



We provide catering for events such as corporate parties, social gatherings, and special events. In addition to coffee, foods and desserts can also be catered from our associated cafes and restaurants. Please feel free to contact us.

Public Cupping

Public Cupping

定期的に無料のパブリックカッピングを開催しています。Coffee Wrightsだけでなく、国内外のロースターの豆を取り寄せたりなど多様なコーヒーをカッピングして頂けます。Facebook、Instagramでの告知をご確認ください。

We regularly hold free public cuppings. We usually showcase not just our beans, but also a variety of guest beans from Japan and abroad. Please check the announcement on Facebook and Instagram.

Coffee Workshop

Coffee Workshop


We hold workshops for hand-drip and cold brew coffee at our stores. We will share some tips and coffee knowledge for having a delicious cup of coffee at home.


Gift & Original Blend

お誕生日プレゼントやお中元お歳暮にぴったりのCoffee Wrights厳選のコーヒー豆の詰め合わせをご用意しております。結婚式やイベントにオリジナルギフトのご依頼も可能ですのでお気軽にお問い合わせください。

We have a selection of coffee beans carefully selected for gifts that are perfect for coffee lovers. We also accept requests fot original gifts for weddings and events, so please feel free to contact us.

Coffee Wrights 蔵前

Coffee Wrights 蔵前

Coffee Wrights 表参道

Coffee Wrights 表参道